Leap Motion for VR: Hot or Not?
This is an opinion post based on personal development experience. Your mileage of Leap Motion technology will vary. I worked with and...
A proper GPU-based particle system: a quick overview
In my last graphics article I talked about a way to make a CPU-based particle system; however, modern game engines would do a GPU-based...
MIT Global Game Jam: Grandma's Tech Support
This past weekend I participated in MIT's Global Game Jam, and co-developed Grandma's Tech Support, a text-based adventure game in Unity....
How I learned particles: simple CPU-based emitter
In this post I'm going to share a quick and effective way I learned in school how to generate a simple particle system. The code is...
Post-Processing: The Triangle Trick
Today will be a short post explaining a trick I've learned to implement effects such as bloom and motion blur in 3D games. Note: this...
Cryptocurrency Mining is making it impossible to buy a graphics card
If you've heard of BitCoin (or one of its many cousins, like Dogecoin), then you know what cryptocurrency is. If you were trying to buy a...
PBR Part 3: The Radiance Integral
Took a few more days than I expected, but now let's jump right into it. This is a direct continuation of the last post about Image-Based...
PBR Part 2: Image Based Lighting Intro
Before I start my blog post, I want to clarify the purpose of this series. It is more about me documenting my process of learning and...
Visual Solutions to Algorithms: The Staircase
If you've ever visited Hackerrank, you are probably familiar with the classic warm-up problem known as The Staircase. But did you know...
A quick look at Physically-Based Rendering (Part 1 of a series)
Hello there, internet! For my first blog post, I'm going to talk about how I've tackled Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) in my own...